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Editorial Note: The
following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may
also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology.
Comments are in parentheses.
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Six Hizbullah fighters were
killed in the Israeli air strike on their convoy, in the Syrian
city of Quneitra, January 18, 2015 |
Iranian General Mohammad
Al-Hadi was killed in an Israeli air raid on a Hizbullah
fighters' convoy in the Syrian city of Quneitra, January
18, 2015 |
Israeli air strike on a Hizbullah fighters' convoy in
the Syrian city of Quneitra, January 18, 2015 |
A view of the Syrian city of Quneitra |
Brother of Slain Muslim
French Policeman, Ahmed
Merabet, Tells Racists and
Islamophobes Not to Exploit
Charlie Hebdo Attack,
January 12, 2015 |
Hebdo Affair Has Many of the
Characteristics of a False Flag
Operation By Paul Craig Roberts and
Alex James |
14 Iraqis Killed, 58 Injured
in Samarra, Yousufiya, and
Ba'aqouba Fighting and
Bombing, January 8, 2015 |
Paris March of Imperialist
Hypocrisy, Led by Netanyahu, the
Butcher of Gaza Children By Khalid
Amayreh |
7 Lebanese People Killed in
Two Suicide Attacks in
Tripoli, January 11, 2015 |
UAE Oil Minister, Suhail
Al-Mazroui Says Oil Prices
Are Intentionally Down as a
Message to Non-OPEC
Producers That They Need to
Be Rational, January 13,
2015 |
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