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Israeli Terrorism Monitor: Who is ASIO Serving?

By Asem Judeh

Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, April 2, 2012


Assessment Report #5       

Is ASIO fighting extremism and terrorism?

Let us achieve and repeat what Australian people did on 6 April 1999!

Australian Government many WHITE papers requires a proper anthem!

Australian people proved (6 April 1999) that Government’s White papers only represents the authors of these papers.


From Public Submission (#4, 8 and 9) to PJCIS, October 2009


5.6.2 First tip to ASIO – Australian facts


The following letters to the Australian Jewish News Editor has been published, 5 April 2002:


“Belatedly many Israelis are agreeing that the late Rabbi Meir Kahane was right and the only ablution is separating Jews from Arabs … I am becoming less and less considerate of genteel western political manners”


“You may not like my answer, I believe in Rabbi Meir Kahane – get rid of all Arabs.”


“Drive the Palestinian out of Israel.”


“The Arab nations should take them if they feel any humanitarian calling at all.”


“We should have a physical wall separating us.”

Did ASIO and Philip Ruddock contempt the parliament?


Why took Philip Ruddock 6 months to answer former Labor MP Julia Irwin question on notice.

Reminder: Parliament



Mrs Irwin asked the Minister representing the Minister for Justice and Customs, upon notice, on 11 August 2003:


(1)  Are the organisations known as Kach and Kahane Chai regarded as derivative organisations of the listed terrorist organisation Hizballah External Security Organisation.

(2)  Are these organisations known to be active in Australia.

Mr Ruddock[Based on ASIO advice after 6 months (AJ)]The answer to the honourable member's question is as follows:

(1)  No

(2)  No. Kach and Kahane Chai operate primarily in Israel and the [occupied] West Bank [Mr Ruddock, Does Hamas’ Brigades and PIJ operates in Australia?]


Source: House of Representatives Official Hansard No. 1, 2004

Tuesday, 10 February 2004, Page: 24212


Dear all,


While I was researching for this Digest I came across the following shocking links. I am not surprised by these shocking stories. Similar stories already well-documented in my many public submissions. I am shocked because ASIO’s Annual Report 2010-2011 did not mention a word about these emerging extremist groups. ASIO’s intelligence radar only switched on Muslims and Islam.

Australian public shocked when they learnt about the Filipino-Australian Vivian Alvarez who detained by the immigration department. The public pressure has forced PM John Howard to establish an independent inquiry into Vivian Alvarez detention. Palmer Inquiry found that ‘cowboy culture’ rules immigration department. I wonder what the findings will be if the government forced again to establish an independent inquiry into ASIO?  We don’t want another Norwegian massacre. We did not recover yet from Port Arthur Massacre (28 April 1996).


This Digest urges you to go through every word in the following links, search the web and you will find more reports.


Australian 'defence' League's Violent Plans For The Australian Muslims

What’s Next for Roberta?

Australian Defence League (Official ADL Est. 2009)


“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
Martin Luther King Jr., I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed the World


Dear all,


ASIO never understood Palestinian suffering and they never understood the Holocaust, leave alone Zionism. That is a real worry. That should make us concern about our safety and lives.


I am Palestinian. In my third 300-page public submission to the first and only federal parliament inquiry into Australia’s relations with Middle East and Gulf states, I had a section about my personal history. I did mention how my family forced to migrate four times in 60 years. Every time we leave we don’t carry only our bags. We carry with us our home, Palestine. An Israeli writer explained it perfectly "Every people in the world lives in a place. For Palestinians, the place lives in them."


Last thing Australian public expect from their intelligence organisation to get involved in the dirty politics and waste taxpayers’ money to be used in fabricating lies and “cut and paste from the web” to help Israeli intimidate and kill more civilians! We are living in a dangerous world and we thought that we are protected because we have confident in our  intelligence organisation.


Collectively Palestinian people share same history. Australian politicians made us to be ashamed being Australian citizens.


ASIO’s ‘cut and paste from the web’ intelligence want us to believe that  Palestinian people want to destroy Israel! Are they kidding themselves! Imagine, all Western government states, including Australia, are opposed to any attack on Iran by Israel. If Israel is prepared to attack another country (thousands of miles from Israel) and endangering world peace and security then can the powerless Palestinians can destroy Israel?


I am confident that any child in grade-3 primary school if he/she given these maps with basic facts about how many times and when Palestinians forced to leave their land, they will conclude that Israel is intimidating Palestinians and pushing them to the sea. Yes, Palestinian reactions will be seen as act of terrorism. But the science tells the kids, not ASIO, every act (Israel) will trigger a reaction (Palestinians).


I am in no way suggesting that the attacks on civilians, including Jews, can be justified, and I am not one of those who are convinced that Israel’s occupation of Palestine and oppression of Palestinians, evil and barbaric as it is, makes every Jew under the sun guilty, let alone a legitimate target for revenge.


ASIO and Western intelligence community, if they are really want to fight extremism and terrorism, then they should solve the root causes of terrorism.



By the way ASIO, can your “cut and paste from the web” intelligence advise us where Israel borders starts and ends? Do they have recognised borders like any state?

Publicity Officer of Australian Jewish Democratic Society alarming email message, 10 August 2001.


“Following the terrorist bombing in Jerusalem the executive of the AJDS has been advised by Graeme Leonard of the JCCV that he cannot guarantee the safety of our members and supporters if we go ahead with our planned Peace Vigil on Sunday 12 August.


He further advised that the threats to our safety are from "undisclosed"

Jewish groups and that he as head of the Jewish community of Victoria was not prepared to take the necessary steps to provide for our members safety.


He also declined to advise the organisers to withdraw Netanyahu's invitation or cancel the event in light of the recent tragedy in Jerusalem.


The executive of the AJDS has discussed these issues fully by phone today.


It has most reluctantly decided to officially withdraw from the Peace Vigil

- not out of fear of the reactions of extremist Jews to a Vigil for Peace, but because our presence might be in the light of this terrible event, be misunderstood by the Jewish community in some twisted and macabre way as showing support for terror and violence.


Members and supporters should be advised that the Women in Black are still committed to the Peace Vigil and you are of course welcome to join them.


The banners "Say No to Terror - Yes to Peace" "No to Bloodshed - Yes to Negotiations" will still be present.


Members of the Executive will be in attendance from 10am to advise any people of our decision.


David Zyngier

on behalf of the Executive



We can totally understand why, when and how politicians change their position and act unethically on important issues.


But what I cannot understand and accept that is ASIO becoming a political organisation. We have every right to worry about our safety.


ASIO’s mandate is to protect Australian citizens regardless of their ethnicity or religion. How they can protect us and ensure that Australia is safe place and they can express their view peacefully without being intimidated or threatened from pro-Israel lobby. Why ASIO cut and paste from the web or rely or Jane’s Defence Weekly which many Zionist journalist report to it to relist forever Hamas’ Brigades and PIJ and any Palestinian group?


Do you agree that ASIO’s political position and their “cut and paste from the web” intelligence has encouraged Zionist organisation, Israeli Law Centre, to intimidate and threaten in a political move both government agency, AusAID, and largest Australian NGO,  World Vision Australia. BTW, that’s what triggers this Digest to break its 2-years of silence.


After reading ASIO Act, in particular Section 8 of the Act, the organisation Director-General is responsible to ensure that ASIO remains above politics and the government must not interfere in ASIO’s findings and advice. We need to find out if Section 8 of ASIO Act has not been abused due the course of listing and ensure relisting for ever Hamas’ Brigades and PIJ.


If ASIO Director-General couldn’t force the government to comply with the Act, then he should resign. His resignation will send strong message to politicians and force any government, Labor or Liberal, to comply with the Act.


Australia's ‘Other’ - A White Australia

Australian Government many WHITE papers requires a proper anthem!

Australian white papers reminds with Israeli racist anthem.


I don’t remember how many Australian White policies I came across during my well researched and documented activism.

While I am researching for this Digest I came across the most recent government white paper: The Australian Government’s CounterTerrorism White Paper (2010) – Securing Australia | Protecting Our Community’, which  stated that:


The first responsibility of government is the protection of Australia, Australians and Australian interests. So a key government priority is to protect Australia from terrorism. The threat of terrorism to Australia is real and enduring. It has become a persistent and permanent feature of Australia’s security environment.

The main source of international terrorism and the primary terrorist threat to Australia and Australian interests is from a global violent jihadist movement – extremists who follow a distorted and militant interpretation of Islam that espouses violence as the answer to perceived grievances. This extremist movement comprises alQa’ida, groups allied or associated with it, and others inspired by a similar worldview.


What do you expect from any document titled WHITE paper? That explains why ASIO’s Annual Report 2010-2011 did not detect or report on the rise of extremism in our own backyard and force the government to list these non-Muslim groups as terrorist groups. Israel and USA did it, so why ASIO didn’t? ASIO only listed Muslim organisations. And yet they are lecturing us about integration and pretending that they are supporting multiculturalism [sic].


However, every time I came across government white paper, I remember the Zionist state anthem that only recognises Jews and ignoring 1.5 million Israeli citizens (Palestinian Christians and Muslims). A month ago, Justice Salim Joubran, the first Arab to win a permanent appointment to the Supreme Court, didn't sing about how "the soul of a Jew yearns." Even the words, "We have not lost hope ... to be a free people in our land, the land of Zion and Jerusalem," he refused to sing.” (Source: Haaretz 1/3/2012 Arab justice's 'Hatikva' silence was a song of protest).


I said to myself, aren’t we living in the 21st Centaury so why they are using this racist terminology ‘White Paper’? Why they don’t use ‘Roadmap’? ‘White Paper’ mentality limiting their thinking, solution and increases the risk. Where ‘Roadmap’ mentality is a plan that matches short-term and long-term goals with specific solutions to help meet those goals. Most importantly it will reduce or eliminate the risk.


During my activism for Asylum Seekers early 2000, I wrote a lot about immigration white policy. BTW, all the digests written that period can be used for this campaign. During that period, a human rights lawyer gave me Dr Don McMaster new book as a present "Asylum Seekers: Australia's Response to Refugees" published March 2001.


On 9 July 2001, this Digest wrote this and now this Digest suggests to the government to include this as their anthem at first page of all their WHITE Papers:


Justice Salim Joubran,


We will follow your path.

White Papers anti-civilisation.

When the good God gave us this continent

    To love and live in as our Fatherland,

    Was it not in his counsels planned,

And His intent

    That we for ever should unite

    To keep it white?


He saw the homeland filled to overflowing,

    And marked the empty spaces of the new,

    And by His patient guidance drew

Thousands to going

    Where on a white land they should light

    And keep it white.



Not that He loved the black, and brown, and yellow

    Less than our own-for all He did create

    And set them living separate

Each from his fellow

    That black should not with yellow fight,

    Nor brown with white.


And how shall we such purpose best fulfil

    True to our destiny, and just to all?

    Is not that destiny a call

To labour till



From Perth to Brisbane, Gulf to Bight

    The whole is white.


To hold the land in trust for God and others,

    To rule it wisely, and to work it well;

    At home in unity to dwell

As friends and brothers,

    To live for Justice, Truth, and Right

    Will keep it white.


Percy Henn (In B. Humphries, The Barry Humphries Book of Innocent Austral Verse, Sun Books, Melbourne, 1968, pp. 68-9.



Dear all,


The many government WHITE papers represent a minority.


Now you have enough information about this Campaign. From now on this Digest will write about practical actions.


Australian people deserve better treatment from the government and its agencies funded by us. Australian people are generous if they have been told the truth. Australian people are passionate toward other nations suffering, if they have been told of their stories. Before writing the list of actions. Let me remind you with what Australian people did on April 6, 1999, and how they forced the Howard white racist government to change their position in less than 12 hours. They forced Howard to tell the world that Australian people do care about others suffering. They forced Howard to deprive them from their humanity in less than 12 hours. That’s what happened on April 6, 1999 during Kosovo humanitarian crisis, from the Diary:


At 8.30am, Jon Faine interviewed the then immigration minister Philip Ruddock pressuring him to get some of refugees from  Kosovo until the war on former Yougoslavia finishes. He refused. He said all what Howard government can do is just donating 2Million dollars to UNHCR. Ruddock said that in many radio stations around the country. Then all talkback radio in the country blasted Howard government shameful position. One talkback caller said that: “Our government supported the NATO in the bombing and they must take at least 10% and settle them here until the crisis finishes and return to their home”. Guess what!

At 6.30pm, ABC Radio National News reported that Howard racist government agreed to bring 4000 Kosovars’ refugees to Australia and increase their humanitarian aid to 4 million. I cried once I heard this news … I cried for weeks when I heard every day when Australian people told their stories, how passionately they helped and supported the Kosovar refugees when they arrived to Australia. I am sure that Australian public will be shocked when they learn about Palestinian people suffering and how our government white policies, including ASIO, are helping Israel’s cruelty toward Palestinians! Australian people deserves better! We are the majority and those with white mentality are the minority.


Let me wear Philip Adams hat and say this:

Wars creates refugees, violent and terrorism. Our blind support to extremist USA president Bush created more than one million widows; millions of orphans; around million civilians killed; millions of refugees and total destruction to the Iraqis infrastructure. And yet we are humiliating and detain the Iraqis who the Coalition of willing forced them to leave their country!

This how we fight extremism and terrorism!


Now, I will wear the Muslim-Arab-Palestinian hat, and say to you that together we can and will make difference and ensure that our children can live in peace and harmony. We need to act.


Let us start taking actions as per our citizenship rights. This Digest urges you to act immediately after you do your own research to:

  • Politicians:


  1. Since next parliament (House and Senate) sitting on 8 May 2012, which means that you can see your local MP, Please print this Digest or use your own research and ask him to investigate if ASIO and Philip Ruddock contempt the parliament. Greens Senators contact details HERE
  2. Contact the Greens Senators in your state and demand the same. It is important to contact the Greens, they now are holding the balance in the Senate and given the fact of the minority government (hung parliament), this is good opportunity to test the Greens before the next election (November 2013).
  3. email the truth teller Independent MP Andrew Wilkie. Let us find out if he is really a truth teller or not. As a result of forming minority government, he forced Gillard to be committee member of Parliamentary Joint Committee of Intelligence and Security. Traditionally membership for this Committee restricted only for Labor and Liberal MPs and Senators. Mr Wilkie contact details can be found HERE his email is
  4. FAX (not email) Attorney-General The Hon Nicola Roxon MP. Her contact details HERE.
  5. FAX (not email) Foreign Minister, Senator The Hon Bob Carr. His contact details HERE
  6. FAX Independent MPs Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor. When the threw their support behind Labor Party they made it clear that This is not a mandate for any government. This Parliament is going to be different.” Read THIS to remind them with what they said. Rob Oakeshott contact details HERE and Tony Windsor contact details HERE


    • Media. Australian public forced Howard government to bring Kosovar refugees through the media. And through the media we will force the government to establish Royal Commission Inquiry into ASIO intelligence gathering. This Digest urges to:
  1. Contact your local talkback radio in your state and tell them how you feel about this issue. Urgent Attention: Remember you have only 1-2 minutes, so you need to [1] be precise and to the point what about saying this “we are concerned about the rise of right-wing extremism in this country. It is very alarming and it seems to me that no one is doing anything about it. And because ASIO is operates in secrecy and anti-terror laws gave them more power and they are operate in secrecy. Then the best way to get to the bottom of this serious issue is to have fully independent inquiry. Ask them to interview the Attorney-General to get to the bottom of this issue”. [2] it is better to contact your talkback radio program Executive Producer and brief him off the air. [3] feel free to give them my mobile number 0415 802 780 to contact me for more details about this issue. [4] Be assured that your call will be followed by many callers and then public debate will start.
  2. 3AW Neil Mitchell. If you are in Melbourne then you must call Neil Mitchell. He is really tough and fair. Also, he is very touched with Port Arthur Massacre, mention it to him.
  3. Don’t miss an opportunity to write letters to the Editors (The Age, Herald sun etc.) when they report on terrorism.
  4. Contact journalists directly who reports on terrorism and ask them to conduct journalism investigation about this serious issue. Again you can give them my mobile number.


The more this issue comes to public domain … the closer we will be from forcing the government to establish full independent inquiry. I would appreciate if you keep this Digest in the loop with your actions.


Stay tuned for more effective actions.



if you don’t hear from me for more than 3 days, please call and find out why?  J or L


In solidarity,


yourPDFDU ‘Unique and True News of Palestine: Voice of Knowledge and Courage’


Asem Judeh

Victoria, Australia




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