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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.

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Thousands Killed in Western Mosul, Half a Million Civilians Forced to Leave City Under US-Iraqi Government Air Strikes, Bombardment

May 10, 2017 

Editor's Note:

The coalition which fights the Islamic State and other Sunni groups in Syria consists of US-led NATO forces, Russian forces, Syrian Alewite government forces, Iranian-backed Shi'i militias, and Kurdish peshmerga forces. The coalition's continuous attacks have resulted in the killing of thousands of Iraqi and Syrian Sunni Muslim Arabs and the eviction of millions of them as a result of the destruction of their cities and villages.

The end outcome is going to be the weakening and possible dismantling of Iraqi and Syrian states as well as the eviction (ethnic cleansing of) Sunni Muslim Arabs, particularly from the upper Euphrates region of northwestern Iraq and northeastern Syria. 

The larger context for understanding the Syrian war (and other wars in the Middle East) is that it contributes to the implementation of the Zionist-Israeli plan of destroying the Arab Middle Eastern states in preparation for the establishment of the greater Israeli empire, from the Nile of Egypt to the Euphrates of Iraq.  

For a background, read: 

Zionist Creative Destruction of the Middle East for the Benefit of the Apartheid Israeli Regime


Mosul civilians leaving the city as a result of continuous US air strikes and Iraqi government bombardment, May 2017 Flooding forces Mosul residents to flee war in rickety boats, May 6, 2017
Mosul civilians leaving the city as a result of continuous US air strikes and Iraqi government bombardment, May 2017 Percentage of destruction of Al-Anbar cities, as a result of US-Iraqi government attacks, May 2017 (See a large view below).


The following are news stories from the independent Iraqi Arabic news agency, Yaqein ( ):

Iraqi government forces entered 30 July District, in Western Mosul, while civilians in the besieged Zanjili neighobrhood are starving.

Half a million civilians fled western Mosul as a result of the US-Iraqi government attacks on the city


اقتحام القوات المشتركة لحي 30 تموز غربي الموصل والجوع يفتك بأهالي حي الزنجيلي

10 مايو 2017

اقتحمت القوات المشتركة وميليشياتها وبدعم من التحالف الدولي ، اليوم الأربعاء ، حي 30 تموز في الجانب الأيمن غربي الموصل بمحافظة نينوى ، في الوقت ذاته يعيش المدنيون المحاصرون في حي الزنجيلي أوضاعا إنسانية صعبة في ظل انعدام المواد الغذائية والطبية ومياه الشرب جراء العمليات العسكرية والإهمال الحكومي لأوضاعهم.

وقالت مصادر صحفية مطلعة إن “القوات المشتركة اقتحمت حي 30 تموز في الجانب الأيمن من الموصل بالكامل ، مشيرة إلى أن تلك القوات بدأت في اقتحام منطقة الاصلاح الزراعي ، ودخلت ساحة حوري بشارع 60 في الحي ، ووصلت بالقرب من جامع الزبير”.

وأضافت المصادر أن “القوات المشتركة اقتحمت الى الآن ، من قاطع تموز حي 30 تموز وصولا الى بيت غانم البصو ، أما قاطع 17 تموز باتجاه جامع المفتي وشارع 60 الفاصل بينه وبين حي الإقتصاديين فلم يتم التوغل فيهم بعد”.

وتابعت المصادر أن “أهالي منطقة الزنجيلي المحاصرون في الجانب الايمن ، يعيشون أوضاعا إنسانية مأساوية بسبب النقص الحاد في المواد الغذائية والطبية ، مبينة أنهم يضعون الملح على الحشائش ويأكلوها”.

يشار إلى أن مدينة الموصل بمحافظة نينوى تتعرض لعمليات عسكرية من قبل القوات المشتركة وميليشياتها الطائفية منذ نحو سبعة أشهر ، تسببت في مقتل وإصابة 35 ألف مدني بالإضافة إلى نزوح نحو 700 ألف مدني ، بهدف تغيير ديمغرافية المدينة وتشريد أهلها   المصدر:يقين نت

ارتفاع أعداد النازحين من غربي الموصل إلى نصف مليون مدني

10 مايو 2017

مع تواصل العمليات العسكرية على الجانب الأيمن غربي الموصل بمحافظة نينوى ، من قبل القوات المشتركة وميليشياتها وما يرافقها من قصف متواصل ، تتواصل موجات النزوح من الجانب الأيمن حيث ارتفع أعداد النازحين من هذا الجانب إلى نصف مليون مدني بحسب ما أقر وزير الهجرة والمهجرين “جاسم محمد الجاف”.

وقال الجاف في تصريح صحفي إن “عدد النازحين من غرب الموصل تجاوز النصف مليون مدني منذ بدء العمليات العسكرية عليه”.

وأضاف الجاف أن “معدل النزوح اليومي وصل الأيام الاخيرة إلى 6 أو 7 آلاف ، وفي أيام أخرى وصل إلى 14 ألفاً”.

يشار إلى أن الأمم المتحدة أعلنت ، في وقت سابق ، ، نزوح أكثر من 435 ألف مدني من الجانب الغربي من مدينة الموصل بمحافظة نينوى ، جراء استمرار العمليات العسكرية التي تشنها القوات المشتركة مدعومة بميليشيا الحشد الشعبي وقوات التحالف الدولي على الموصل.

وكان وزير الهجرة والمهجرين “جاسم محمد الجاف” أقر في وقت سابق ، بارتفاع أعداد النازحين من الجانب الأيمن غربي الموصل إلى 425 ألف مدني ، وارتفاع مجمل أعداد النازحين من الجانبين الأيسر والأيمن إلى 665 ألف مدني منذ بدء العمليات العسكرية على المدينة من قبل القوات المشتركة وميليشياتها الطائفية وبدعم من التحالف الدولي قبل نحو سبعة أشهر.

المصدر:يقين نت


The following are news stories from a pro-Iraqi government website (, which usually reports those who are killed by Iraqi government attacks as Islamic State fighters, implying no civilians were killed by bombing residential neighborhoods:


U.N.: 435.000 Iraqis displaced since start of western Mosul operations

by Mohamed Mostafa May 9, 2017, 10:04 am

Mosul ( --

U.S.-backed Iraqi offensives against the Islamic State militants in western Mosul have displaced 435.000 civilians since their launch in February, the United Nations said early Tuesday.

“From Iraq, almost 435,000 people have now been displaced from western Mosul since the start of the military operations on the western part of the city in late February,” said Stephane Dujarric, spokesperson of the U..N. Secretary General.

“Over 403,000 are currently displaced from western Mosul city, while some 31,000 people have been able to return to retaken parts of the city,” the statement said.

Meanwhile, people who remain in Da’esh-controlled parts of west Mosul are facing serious shortages of almost all commodities, as commercial supplies to these areas have been cut since last November, it added.

“Some cases of acute malnutrition are now being seen in infants arriving with their families from western Mosul,” according to Dujarric. “Families who remain in the retaken parts of west Mosul and those who have returned to these areas also rely on humanitarian assistance, as basic public services and market activity have yet to be restored”.

Iraqi government forces, backed by a U.S.-led international coalition, took over eastern Mosul in January after three months of fighting. The total of people displaced since October had been estimated by at at least 600.000.

 Iraqi Interior Ministry: more than 3320 IS militants killed in western Mosul offensive

by Mohamed Mostafa May 8, 2017, 9:29 am

Baghdad (

 Security operations to retake western Mosul from Islamic State militants have killed 3,320 militants since their launch in February 19th, said the Iraqi Interior Ministry on Monday (Note: There's no independent verification about how many of these deaths are for civilians or IS fighters - Editor).

Wahab al-Taei, the ministry’s media adviser, was quoted by Almaalomah news website that the ministry’s Federal Police forces took over 525 villages and regions since the start of operations, adding that the battle was nearing its end after the forces brought down the group’s last defense lines.

“Nuri al-Kabir mosque, which witnessed the emergence of terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has become within reach, and only a few hundred meters are left to declare full liberation,” he said, referring to the mosque where IS supreme leader declared the establishment of the group’s rule in Iraq and neighboring Syria 2014.

Taei’s announcement comes as Iraqi forces continue to sweep through major districts in northwestern Mosul, shifting to a new axis of operations after finding it difficult to advance to the IS-held Old City from the south.

A week earlier, the Federal Police command said its forces had killed more than 850 Islamic State members, destroyed more than 500 booby-trapped cars and motorbikes belonging to the group and recaptured a total of 274 square kilometers of territory since the launch of assaults to retake western Mosul in February

Iraqi forces retook eastern Mosul in January after three months of battles.

Flooding forces Mosul residents to flee war in rickety boats

by Nehal Mostafa

Iraqi News, May 6, 2017, 7:43 pm

Mosul (Reuters)--

 The Iraqi man laid the body of his wife, wrapped in a black shroud, gently on the bow of a small wooden boat and held onto it as a second man rowed slowly to pick up the man’s three children standing a few metres away.

The two teenage girls and young boy climbed in, careful not to disturb the balance, for the crossing taking their mother, killed in an air strike this week, to the east bank of the Tigris River.

This crossing is no ancient rite, however.

It is an extra hardship heaped on the family by the flooding of the Tigris and the disassembly of the last pontoon bridge linking the two sides of Mosul, where U.S.-backed Iraqi forces have been fighting to oust the Islamic State militants who seized the city in 2014.

Loading up everything from clothes and food to injured or dead relatives, hundreds of families exhausted by war have been crossing the river on small, rickety fishing boats capable of holding only five or six people.

Many have been leaving the Musherfa district of western Mosul after U.S.-backed Iraqi forces took it from Islamic State on Friday, hoping to reach the relative safety of the eastern banks of the river.

“We suffered Islamic State’s injustice, and now that we are free we were promised five bridges,” said 45-year-old Mushref Mohamed, an ice factory worker from Musherfa. “Where are the bridges? We have been waiting for two days.”

“So many of my neighbours and friends died. We were freed, but we are not happy because we lost the people closest to us.”

The flooding has cut off all crossing points between east and west and forced the military to dismantle the makeshift bridges linking the two sides of Iraq’s second-largest city.


Mothers carrying babies, men in wheelchairs, and families of up to 15 people have been paying 1,000 Iraqi dinars ($0.86) per head to make the short journey, with many needing to make two or three trips.

Even soldiers carrying green army crates full of military documents and cigarettes have had to use the boats. The army initially planned to transport people using steamboats when they took down the pontoons, but now say they have run out of gas.

“We came from the early morning at 7am and have been waiting until now. It is noon. The steamboats do not have gas. This government cannot provide gas?” asked Mohsen, a pensioner from the Wadi Hajar area in west Mosul.

Mosul’s permanent bridges have mostly been destroyed during the seven-month campaign to take the city back from Islamic State.

The army opened a new front in the war with an armoured division trying to advance into the city from the north on Thursday and taking back two areas on Friday.

The militants are now besieged in the northwestern corner of Mosul which includes the historic Old City, the medieval Grand al-Nuri Mosque and its landmark leaning minaret where Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared a “caliphate” spanning swathes of Syria and Iraq in June 2014.

The Iraqi army said on April 30 that it aimed to complete the retaking of Mosul, the largest city to have fallen under Islamic State control in both Iraq and Syria, this month.


The following are news stories from the US Department of Defense website ( :


US-Led Military Air Strikes on ISIS-Held Sunni Muslim Arab Cities and Villages, in Syria and Iraq, May 1-9, 2017

From a Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve News Release

SOUTHWEST ASIA, May 9, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 16 strikes consisting of 20 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, a strike destroyed an ISIS oil rig.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed four ISIS oil tankers and an ISIS wellhead.

-- Near Raqqa, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed five weapon storage caches and an ISIS barge.

-- Near Tabqah, eight strikes engaged seven ISIS tactical units and destroyed five fighting positions.

Additionally, two strikes were conducted on May 7 that closed within the last 24 hours:

-- Near Tabqah, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed a fighting position.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 64 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Huwayjah, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two ISIS-held buildings.

-- Near Mosul, six strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units and a sniper; destroyed 12 fighting positions, seven rocket-propelled grenade systems, four medium machine guns, three mortar systems, two vehicle bomb facilitation areas, two front-end loaders, a sniper position, a weapons cache, an improvised explosive device facility, a roadblock and a vehicle bomb; damaged 13 ISIS supply routes and three fighting positions; and suppressed a mortar position.

-- Near Rutbah, two strikes destroyed a bunker and a vehicle bomb facility.

-- Near Sinjar, a strike destroyed a weapons cache.

-- Near Tal Afar, a strike destroyed a vehicle bomb factory.


Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 25 strikes consisting of 31 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, a strike destroyed an ISIS wellhead and an ISIS oil storage tank.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes destroyed four ISIS wellheads, a unmanned aerial system storage building and a vehicle.

-- Near Palmyra, a strike destroyed a tunnel entrance.

-- Near Raqqa, four strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed 13 ISIS barges and two excavators.

-- Near Tabqah, 15 strikes engaged seven ISIS tactical units and destroyed eight fighting positions and a vehicle.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 53 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Qaim, a strike destroyed an ISIS staging area.

-- Near Mosul, six strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units and a sniper team; destroyed six fighting positions, four rocket-propelled grenade systems, four vehicle bombs, three medium machine guns, two tactical vehicles, two supply caches, two heavy machine guns, two anti-air artillery systems, two vehicles, a mortar system, a recoilless rifle, a ISIS staging area; damaged 10 ISIS supply routes, seven fighting positions; and suppressed two mortar teams.

-- Near Rutbah, a strike destroyed inoperable equipment.

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Syria on May 6 that closed within the last 24 hours:

-- Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions and a supply cache.


Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 37 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, 10 strikes destroyed eight ISIS oil tankers, four ISIS wellheads, two unmanned-aerial-system facilities and an ISIS barge.

-- Near Palmyra, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

-- Near Raqqa, three strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and destroyed two vehicles, a front-end loader and a fighting position.

-- Near Tabqah, nine strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed four fighting positions, two tactical vehicles and another vehicle; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

Officials also released details today on seven strikes conducted earlier in Syria for which information was not complete in time for previous reports:

-- Near Raqqa on May 3, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a mortar system.

-- Near Tabqah on May 3, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two vehicle-borne bombs and two fighting positons.

-- Near Dawr Az Zawr on May 5, a strike destroyed six ISIS barges and a crane.

-- Near Tabqah on May 5, two strikes destroyed a fighting position.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, May 6, 2017 —

Officials reported details of yesterday’s strikes, noting that assessments of results are based on initial reports.

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes consisting of 59 engagements against ISIS targets:

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 17 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, a strike destroyed an ISIS storage unit

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed nine ISIS oil storage tanks, three ISIS wellheads and three ISIS oil tankers.

-- Near Raqqa, a strike destroyed two front-end loaders and damaged a dam.

-- Near Tabqah, seven strikes engaged six ISIS tactical units; destroyed two ISIS boats, two vehicles, two fighting positions and a vehicle-borne bomb.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 42 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Mosul, six strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed 10 fighting positions, two mortar systems, a vehicle-borne bomb, a supply cache, a vehicle, an ISIS-held building, a rocket-propelled-grenade system, a vehicle-bomb factory; damaged seven ISIS supply routes and a fighting position; and suppressed two mortar teams and an ISIS tactical unit.

-- Near Tal Afar, a strike destroyed three ISIS oil tankers.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, May 5, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed four ISIS wellheads.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, a strike destroyed five ISIS oil storage tanks and three ISIS oil distillation tanks.

-- Near Palmyra, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

-- Near Raqqah, three strikes destroyed a front-end loader and an ISIS wellhead.

-- Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two fighting positons and a vehicle.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 67 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Qaim, a strike destroyed a front-end loader.

-- Near Kirkuk, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

-- Near Mosul, seven strikes engaged seven ISIS tactical units and a sniper team; destroyed nine mortar systems, nine fighting positions, two heavy machine guns, two tactical vehicles, two ISIS-held buildings, an anti-air artillery system, an artillery system, a command-and-control node, a vehicle bomb, an ISIS bridge, a front-end loader, a weapons cache, a rocket system a vehicle bomb factory; damaged 23 ISIS supply routes, three fighting positions; and suppressed six mortar teams.

-- Near Tal Afar, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

Additionally, two strikes were conducted in Syria on May 3 that closed within the last 24 hours:

-- Near Shadaddi, Syria, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS-held building.

-- Near Tabqah, Syria, a strike destroyed a fighting position. 

SOUTHWEST ASIA, May 4, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 28 strikes consisting of 46 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr; six strikes destroyed five ISIS wellheads, three tunnels and an ISIS oil storage tank.

-- Near Palmyra, two strikes destroyed three tunnels.

-- Near Raqqa, a strike destroyed a command-and-control node.

-- Near Tabqah, 18 strikes engaged 11 ISIS tactical units; destroyed nine fighting positions, four vehicles, two tactical vehicles and a vehicle-borne bomb; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of 35 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Kirkuk, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and damaged a fighting position.

-- Near Mosul, five strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units and a sniper team; destroyed four rocket-propelled-grenade systems, four medium machine guns, two ISIS staging areas, an artillery system, a supply cache, a vehicle-borne bomb, a mortar system and a fighting position.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, May 3, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, a strike destroyed two ISIS oil tanks.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed two ISIS oil separation tanks and an ISIS wellhead.

-- Near Palmyra, a strike destroyed a fighting position.

-- Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed 12 fighting positions, an ISIS supply route, and a tactical vehicle; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of 39 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Mosul, four strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and a sniper team; destroyed two fighting positions, two artillery systems, a heavy machine gun, a medium machine gun, and an ISIS staging area; and suppressed nine mortar teams.

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Iraq on May 1 that closed within the last 24 hours:

-- Near Mosul, May 1, three strikes destroyed three vehicle bombs and three ISIS fuel tankers, and suppressed three mortar teams.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, May 2, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal; five strikes destroyed three ISIS oil pumps, three ISIS wellheads and a fighting position.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr; three strikes destroyed 12 ISIS fuel tankers, an ISIS wellhead and an ISIS oil pump.

-- Near Raqqa; a strike destroyed a fighting position and suppressed a mortar team.

-- Near Tabqah; four strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted two strikes near Mosul yesterday, consisting of 24 engagements against ISIS targets. The strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two mortar systems, a front-end loader, an artillery system, a fighting position, a vehicle-bomb factory and a medium machine gun.

Additionally, an April 30 strike for which information wasn't available in time for yesterday's report destroyed an ISIS weapons factory, officials said.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, May 2, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal; five strikes destroyed three ISIS oil pumps, three ISIS wellheads and a fighting position.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr; three strikes destroyed 12 ISIS fuel tankers, an ISIS wellhead and an ISIS oil pump.

-- Near Raqqa; a strike destroyed a fighting position and suppressed a mortar team.

-- Near Tabqah; four strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted two strikes near Mosul yesterday, consisting of 24 engagements against ISIS targets. The strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two mortar systems, a front-end loader, an artillery system, a fighting position, a vehicle-bomb factory and a medium machine gun.

Additionally, an April 30 strike for which information wasn't available in time for yesterday's report destroyed an ISIS weapons factory, officials said.


The following chart illustrates the percentage of destruction of Al-Anbar cities, as a result of US-Iraqi government attacks, May 2017:



Percentage of destruction of Al-Anbar cities, as a result of US-Iraqi government attacks, May 2017



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