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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.

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10,000 Iraqis Flee Death and Destruction in Talafar, 3 Million Refugees Inside Iraq, Al-Tarimiya Under Siege and Fire

August 21, 2017

Editor's Note about reporting on the US-Led war in Iraq

The US-led coalition which fights the Islamic State in northern Iraq consists of US-led NATO forces, Iraqi Shi'i government forces, Iranian-backed Shi'i militias, and Kurdish Peshmerga forces. The coalition's continuous attacks have resulted in the killing of tens of thousands of Iraqi Sunni Muslim Arabs and the eviction of hundreds of thousands as a result of the destruction of their cities and villages.

Millions of Iraqi Sunni Muslim Arabs have left their cities and villages as the fighting intensified towards an all-attack by the US-led coalition on Mosul. The end outcome has been evicting (ethnic cleansing of) Sunni Muslim Arabs from the upper Euphrates region of northwestern Iraq and northeastern Syria.

The larger context for understanding the Iraq-Syrian wars is that these wars contribute to the implementation of the Zionist-Israeli plan of destroying the Arab Middle Eastern states in preparation for the establishment of the greater Israeli empire, from the Nile of Egypt to the Euphrates of Iraq.  

The following news stories from the official US and Iraqi websites do not mention any civilian casualties, as all reported deaths are claimed to be for ISIS members, who are killed in air strikes and bombardment on cities! Needless to say that independent sources are hard to find or report from. Thus, the following is a documentation of the death and destruction, as reported basically in such official website. Other independent reporting will be presented whenever available. One of these independent websites, which provides some reporting on Iraq is yaqein, whose stories are also posted here but in Arabic, with English headlnes.


For a background, read: 

Zionist Creative Destruction of the Middle East for the Benefit of the Apartheid Israeli Regime


Iraqi government forces besieging Al-Tarimiya, August 18, 2017
Mosul refugees, June 2017 Iraqi refugees inside the country near 3 million, most can't go back to their destroyed cities, 2017



The following are news stories from the independent Iraqi Arabic news agency, Yaqein ( ):


Habaniya refugees prevented from going back to their homes


أوضاع صعبة يعيشها نازحو الحبانية بعد منع عودتهم لديارهم

21 أغسطس 2017 0

يعيش النازحون في المخيمات اوضاعا صعبة في ظل نقص مقومات الحياة الرئيسية فيها والاهمال الحكومي لها ، وفي ظل سعي الحكومة لتحقيق تغيير ديموغرافي على اسس طائفية تمنع الحكومة نحو الف من نازحي مخيم الحبانية شرق الرمادي من العودة لديارهم بحجة التدقيق الامني.

وقال مصدر صحفي في تصريح له ان ” ألف نازح داخل مخيمات مدينة الحبانية السياحية شرقي الرمادي أغلبهم من النساء والأطفال منعوا من العودة إلى ديارهم بذريعة التدقيق الأمني”.

واضاف المصدر ان ” نازحي محافظة الأنبار يشكون من أزمة شح المياه وتلوثها، فضلا عن نقص الخدمات، وذلك بعد أن توفي عدد منهم في وقت سابق نتيجة موجة الحر”.

من يقف وراء منع عودة نازحي الفلوجة لديارهم ؟يوليو 17, 2017في "أزمة النازحين في العراق"

وماذا بعد عودة النازحين إلى مناطقهم في ريف المقدادية بديالى في ظل انعدام الخدمات؟أغسطس 10, 2017في "أزمة النازحين في العراق"

بالصور ll معاناة النازحين في مخيم 18كيلو غرب الرمادي مع الصيف اللاهبيونيو 18, 2017في "أزمة النازحين في العراق"

المصدر:وكالة يقين

Al-Tarimiya between the siege and the fire of the government forces

قضاء الطارمية بين الحصار والنار... ولا يجد من يغيثه !

18 أغسطس 2017

خاص // وكالة يقين

الطارمية أحد الأقضية الستة التي تحيط بالعاصمة بغداد وتسمى بـ (حزام بغداد) ، وتجري بحقها أحداث اجرامية متواصلة تحمل دلالات واضحة ، على استمرار عمليات التهجير القسري الممنهج للسكان ، فالممارسات اللاإنسانية من قبل القوات الحكومية وميليشيات الحشد الشعبي ، لتنفيذ مخططت ايران الساعية لتغيير ديموغرافية المنطقة ، خدمة لمصالحها التوسعية في السيطرة على البلاد ، حيث يجري تدمير آلاف الدونمات الزراعية وتجريف مئات البساتين ، وطمر العديد من بحيرات الأسماك والمسطحات المائية المتواجدة في المنطقة ، فضلا عن تدمير عشرات المنازل ، وتنفيذ حملات دهم واعتقالات واغتيالات ممنهجة طالت مئات المدنيين في مناطق مختلفة .

الممارسات الاجرامية بحق اهالي الطارمية

“كامل ناهي” احد سكان الطارمية ، أفاد لمراسل وكالة يقين بان القوات المشتركة وميليشيا الحشد الشعبي ، اقدمت على تجريف 40 دونماً من البساتين والاراضي الزراعية ، واعتقلت عددا من الاهالي كما دمرت بعض المنازل.

القوات المشتركة وميليشيا الحشد الشعبي ، نفذت حملة تجريف واسعة للبساتين والاراضي الزراعية بقرية حمد في قضاء  الطارمية ، واستمرت الحملة لعدة أيام.

‏اللواء 22 التابع للجيش الحكومي مدعوما بميليشيا حزب الله ايضا ، اطبق حصارا ظالما على سكان الطارمية و منع المدنيين من الخروج منها بحجج واهية  ، وقام باعدام عدد من شباب الطارمية رميا بالرصاص بتهم كاذبة من دون دليل وبعض المغدورين لم توجه أي تهمة له بل أعدم بحقد طائفي .


The following are news stories from a pro-Iraqi government website (, which usually reports those who are killed by Iraqi government attacks as Islamic State fighters, implying no civilians were killed by bombing residential neighborhoods:


10,000 civilians displaced from Tal Afar in two weeks: Ministry

by Nehal Mostafa Aug 20, 2017, 6:00 pm

Baghdad ( --

Around 10,000 civilians were displaced from Tal Afar town over the past two weeks, the Iraqi Ministry of Migration and Displacement has announced.

In press remarks on Sunday, Minister Jassem al-Jaff said arrangements were concluded to receive the displaced people in light of offensives which started earlier on Sunday to liberate the town.

Most of the residents were sheltered at the camps in south of Mosul including Jadaa, Haj Ali and Hammam al-Alil, while others took refuge at western Mosul.

Earlier on Sunday, security troops evacuated 300 civilians hours after the launch of offensives.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Cap. Jabbar Hassan said “the ninth armored division, Federal Police and al-Hashd al-Shaabi [Popular Mobilization Units] evacuated 290 civilians over the past few hours from southwest of Tal Afar town.”

“Troops transferred the displaced people to safe places and offered them food commodities,” he added.

According to estimates by the United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM), between 10,000 to 40,000 people are left in Tal Afar and surrounding villages.

Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi announced in a televised speech on Sunday the beginning of offensive to recapture the town, which has been held by the militants since 2014, when the extremist group first emerged to proclaim its self-styled ‘caliphate’.

Tal Afar is one of the important strongholds still held by IS in Nineveh since August 2014, when the militants occupied a third of Iraq to proclaim its self-styled “caliphate”.

Airstrike kills 7 Islamic State members escaping Anbar to Syria

by Mohamed Mostafa Aug 18, 2017, 5:19 pm

Qaim ( --

Seven Islamic State militants were killed in an airstrike while escaping their havens in Anbar towards the Syrian borders on Friday.

Alsumaria News quoted a military source saying that the militants were killed fleeing the group’s stronghold city of Qaim towards the Syrian borders. He said several combat equipments belonging to the fighters were aso destroyed.

Islamic State militants have held the towns of Anah, Rawa and Qaim, west of Anbar, since 2014, when they occupied a third of Iraq to proclaim their self-styled “caliphate”. So far, there has not been a wide-scale campaign to retake those regions, but occasional offensives by government forces and allied Popular Mobilization Forces have managed to take over several surrounding villages.

The Iraqi government declared victory over Islamic State in Mosul, the group’s former capital in Iraq, in July, and said it was going to proceed towards other group holdouts, including Anbar.

Also late July, Iraqi army warplanes reportedly dropped millions of messages on western Anbar telling locals that liberation offensives for the province were nearing, and advising them to stay away from militants’ deployments.

Anbar’s borders with Syria had seen occasional encounters between security forces and Islamic State militants.

Three civilians killed, wounded in air raid west of Ramadi

by Mohamed Mostafa Aug 18, 2017, 3:35 pm

Rutba ( --

The civilians died and sustained injuries when unidentified warplanes carried out an air raid near a house west of Anbar’s city of Ramadi, a local official was quoted saying.

Emad al-Dulaimi, mayor of the city of Rutba, said unidentified warplanes killed a woman, her 13-year-old daughter and wounded her husband in Okashat, north of the city (310 Km west of Ramadi).

Local officials have occasionally reported civilian deaths in airstrikes by unidentified jets in the same region. The Iraqi government forces, as well as the U.S.-led coalition, have occasionally faced accusations of causing deaths among civilians during operations targeting Islamic State havens.

Islamic State militants have held the towns of Anah, Rawa and Qaim, west of Anbar, since 2014, when they occupied a third of Iraq to proclaim their self-styled “caliphate”. So far, there has not been a wide-scale campaign to retake those regions, but occasional offensives managed to take over several surrounding villages.

The Iraqi government declared victory over Islamic State in Mosul, the group’s former capital in Iraq, in July, and said it was going to proceed towards other group holdouts, including Anbar.

Also late July, Iraqi warplanes reportedly dropped millions of messages telling locals that liberation offensives for the province were nearing, and telling them to stay away from militants’ deployments.

Ministry: Iraqi refugees inside the country near 3 million

by Mohamed Mostafa Aug 17, 2017, 4:06 pm

Baghdad ( The number of Iraqi refugees across the country stands near three million, the Iraqi Displacement and Migration Ministry said Thursday, saying it prepares for further flows of displaced civilians.

Minister Jassem al-Jaff said the number of refugees across the country currently stands at 2.9 million. Those, he said, include two millions from Nineveh alone.

He said the ministry had completed all preparations for humanitarian response to future refugee flows as anticipated operations launch for the recapture of Islamic State havens in Nineveh’s Tal Afar, Kirkuk’s Hawija and Salahuddin’s Shirqat.

Earlier on Thursday, Nour-Eddin Qablan, vice president of the Nineveh province council, said 50% of displaced civilians had returned to their home regions in western Mosul.

Iraq’s U.S.-backed offensives against Islamic State militants since October have displaced at least one million people. Iraqi authorities plan to repatriate civilians to their home regions by the end of this year.

The government said it totally recaptured the city early July.

Civilians had reportedly been shot by IS snipers while fleeing areas under the fighters’ control, and had also endured medicine and food shortages at refugee camps.

The war had dealt a severe damage to the city’s infrastructure, with United Nations officials saying the rehabilitation of the city needs more than one billion dollars.

U.N. says Mosul refugees suffering post-war psychological traumas

by Mohamed Mostafa Aug 15, 2017, 5:52 pm

Baghdad ( --

Thousands of Iraqi refugees displaced during their government’s war against Islamic State militants are suffering psychological ramifications despite the recapture of their city more than one month ago, the United Nations said.

“Weeks after the retaking of Mosul city, many internally displaced persons (IDPs) are exhibiting signs of stress and anxiety,” the International Organization for Migration said in a report on Tuesday.

The organization said children, in particular, have suffered the severest aftershock, and would need “long-term psychological support”, as the report put it.

The organization, highlighting psychological support it provides to 24,399 internally displaced Iraqis since the start of Mosul crisis in 2016, said that “amongst the many children IOM works with, those from Mosul tend to display symptoms of developmental regression, exhibited by episodes of bed-wetting, severe anxiety, apathy and quickness to get angry or cry.”

The war against Islamic State in Iraq has displaced more than four million people since January 2014. A campaign launched in October 2016 to retake Mosul, Islamic State’s former capital in the country, had displaced more than 900.000, according to government and U.N figures.

Throughout their occupation of several Iraqi cities, Islamic State militants tortured, executed and enslaved thousands of Iraqis, using some as human shields and shooting others once attempting to flee their havens, according to the government, local and international agencies.

The Iraqi government said early July it retook Mosul from IS, and has said it would proceed towards other holdouts.


The following are news stories from the US Department of Defense website ( :


U.S., Coalition Continue Strikes to Defeat ISIS in Syria, Iraq

From a Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve News Release

SOUTHWEST ASIA, Aug. 20, 2017 —

U.S. and coalition military forces continued to attack the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria yesterday, conducting strikes and engagements, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported today.

Officials reported details of yesterday's strikes, noting that assessments of results are based on initial reports.

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of six engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, a strike destroyed 10 ISIS oil-storage barrels.

-- Near Raqqa, five strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed three fighting positions.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 18 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Qaim, a strike destroyed an ISIS supply cache.

-- Near Beiji, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

-- Near Rawah, three strikes destroyed two ISIS headquarters, a weapons cache and a staging area.

-- Near Tal Afar, four strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed seven rocket systems, two command-and-control nodes, two mortar systems, a vehicle-borne-bomb factory, a supply cache and a front-end loader.

Other Recent Strikes

Additionally, officials today announced the results of 26 strikes consisting of 38 engagements conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 17 and Aug. 18 for which the information was unavailable at the time of yesterday's report:

-- Near Raqqa on Aug. 17, three strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and destroyed a fighting position.

-- Near Raqqa on Aug. 18, 20 strikes engaged 14 ISIS tactical units, destroyed 14 fighting positions and damaged a tunnel entrance.

-- Near Tal Afar on Aug. 18, three strikes destroyed 24 ISIS roadblocks, two vehicle-borne-bomb factories, an ISIS headquarters, an ISIS command-and-control node and a fighting position and suppressed three mortar teams.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, Aug. 20, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of six engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, a strike destroyed 10 ISIS oil-storage barrels.

-- Near Raqqa, five strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed three fighting positions.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 18 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Qaim, a strike destroyed an ISIS supply cache.

-- Near Beiji, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

-- Near Rawah, three strikes destroyed two ISIS headquarters, a weapons cache and a staging area.

-- Near Tal Afar, four strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed seven rocket systems, two command-and-control nodes, two mortar systems, a vehicle-borne-bomb factory, a supply cache and a front-end loader.

Other Recent Strikes

Additionally, officials today announced the results of 26 strikes consisting of 38 engagements conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 17 and Aug. 18 for which the information was unavailable at the time of yesterday's report:

-- Near Raqqa on Aug. 17, three strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and destroyed a fighting position.

-- Near Raqqa on Aug. 18, 20 strikes engaged 14 ISIS tactical units, destroyed 14 fighting positions and damaged a tunnel entrance.

-- Near Tal Afar on Aug. 18, three strikes destroyed 24 ISIS roadblocks, two vehicle-borne-bomb factories, an ISIS headquarters, an ISIS command-and-control node and a fighting position and suppressed three mortar teams.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, Aug. 18, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 22 strikes consisting of 24 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed three ISIS oil stills, two pieces of oil equipment and a weapons cache.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, a strike destroyed an ISIS headquarters and an ISIS media center.

-- Near Raqqa, 18 strikes engaged 12 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 29 fighting positions, three ISIS communication lines and two logistics nodes.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 16 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Beiji, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two vehicles, a supply cache and a staging area.

-- Near Tal Afar, four strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed a front-end loader, an ISIS-held building and a mortar system; and suppressed a mortar team.

Previous Strikes

Additionally, 33 strikes consisting of 47 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 15-16 that closed within the last 24 hours.

-- On Aug. 15, near Raqqa, Syria, four strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and destroyed four fighting positions and a mortar system.

-- On Aug. 16, near Abu Kamal, Syria, a strike destroyed an ISIS media center.

-- On Aug. 16, near Shadaddi, Syria, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a command-and-control node, a fighting position and an ISIS communication line.

-- On Aug. 16, near Raqqa, Syria, 23 strikes engaged 16 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 18 fighting positions, eight command-and-control nodes, two tunnels, two heavy machine guns, an ISIS unmanned aerial system, an anti-aircraft artillery system and an ISIS line of communication.

-- On Aug. 16, near Tal Afar, Iraq, three strikes destroyed 32 improvised explosive devices, 17 ISIS fighting positions, two tunnels and an artillery system and damaged three bridges.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, Aug. 17, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 23 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed six ISIS oil stills, three pieces of oil equipment and two oil tankers.

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, a strike destroyed six ISIS oil stills.

-- Near Raqqa, 20 strikes engaged 16 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 17 fighting positions, a logistics node, an improvised explosive device, a command-and-control node, an ISIS unmanned aerial system and a vehicle.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of 15 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Kisik, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed six ISIS-held buildings, three mortar systems and a staging area.

-- Near Rawah, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle and a staging area.

-- Near Tal Afar, a strike destroyed two ISIS headquarters and damaged a bridge.

-- Near Tuz, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

Aug. 15 Strikes

Additionally, 41 strikes consisting of 63 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 15 that closed within the last 24 hours.

-- Near Raqqa, Syria, 37 strikes engaged 27 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 36 fighting positions, four IEDs, three ISIS communication lines, two command-and-control nodes, an IED factory, a heavy machine gun and a vehicle.

-- Near Qaim, Iraq, two strikes destroyed two ISIS headquarters.

-- Near Tal Afar, Iraq, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed an ISIS headquarters and damaged a bridge.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, Aug. 16, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 17 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, a strike destroyed an ISIS wellhead.

-- Near Raqqa, 11 strikes engaged seven ISIS tactical units and destroyed 30 fighting positions, a logistics node and an ISIS unmanned aerial system.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 24 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Beiji, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

-- Near Qaim, three strikes destroyed two ISIS staging areas and an ISIS-held building

-- Near Samarra, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

-- Near Tal Afar, four strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed 13 fighting positions, three ISIS-held buildings, three supply caches, an ISIS training camp and a mortar system.

Previous Strikes

Additionally, 38 strikes consisting of 44 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 9-10 and Aug. 14 that closed within the last 24 hours.

-- On Aug. 9, near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, two strikes destroyed three ISIS oil stills.

-- On Aug. 10, near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three tunnel entrances and two ISIS-held buildings.

-- On Aug. 14, near Abu Kamal, Syria, a strike destroyed five ISIS oil equipment items.

-- On Aug. 14, near Raqqa, Syria, 32 strikes engaged 20 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 18 fighting positions, three improvised explosive devices, three heavy machine guns, three command-and-control nodes, a logistics node, an anti-aircraft artillery system and an IED factory.

-- On Aug. 14, near Tal Afar, Iraq, a strike suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

-- On Aug. 14, near Tuz, Iraq, a strike destroyed two ISIS headquarters, a vehicle storage facility, a vehicle, a staging area and a weapons cache.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, Aug. 15, 2017 — U

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 31 strikes consisting of 43 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, a strike destroyed six ISIS oil stills.

-- Near Raqqa, 27 strikes engaged 19 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 59 fighting positions, two heavy machine guns, a mortar system, an improvised explosive device and a logistics node.

-- Near Shadaddi, three strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and destroyed five fighting positions and two command-and-control nodes.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Beiji, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed a staging area and a weapons cache.

-- Near Kisik, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed two IEDs and suppressed two mortar teams.

-- Near Qaim, two strikes destroyed an ISIS training camp and a staging area.

-- Near Tal Afar, two strikes destroyed nine ISIS roadblocks and two front-end loaders.

SOUTHWEST ASIA, Aug. 14, 2017 —

Strikes in Syria

In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes consisting of 19 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Dayr Az Zawr, a strike destroyed an ISIS well-head.

-- Near Raqqah, 16 strikes engaged 11 ISIS tactical units and destroyed three fighting positions, an anti-aircraft artillery system, a logistics node, a heavy machine gun, a vehicle and an improvised explosive device.

Strikes in Iraq

In Iraq, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 12 engagements against ISIS targets:

-- Near Bashir, a strike destroyed a vehicle and an IED.

-- Near Beiji, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three staging areas, two storage areas and a mortar system.

-- Near Huwayjah, three strikes destroyed three ISIS oil stills and two weapons caches.

-- Near Kisik, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS-held building.

-- Near Qaim, a strike destroyed a vehicle-borne-bomb facility, an ISIS headquarters and an ISIS checkpoint.

-- Near Tal Afar, a strike destroyed an ISIS staging area.


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