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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.

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Creative Destruction of Iraq:

Arabic and English News Reports on July 1-3, 2015


The following are news stories about death and destruction in Iraq as a result of the "Creative Destruction" which has been going on, particularly in the Sunni areas of the countries. The English news stories about Iraq are below the following Arabic news stories (videos, photos, and texts). 

The following Arabic news video stories are from


    The following Arabic news stories are from



    نشرة رقم : ٦٠١ لاحداث الثورة الشعبية العراقية : الجمعة ٣-٧-٢٠١٥

    نشرة مركز اعلام الربيع العراقي

    لأحداث الثورة الشعبية العراقية

    نشرة رقم (601)

    الجمعة : 3/7/2015

    النشرة للأحداث التي جرت لـ24 ساعة الماضية

    * بغداد :

    * مقتل احد افراد ميليشيا الصحوة وإصابة 4 اخرين؛ بتفجير عبوة ناسفة استهدف نقطة تفتيش تابعة لهم في قرية الخناسة بقضاء المدائن.

    * الجيش الحكومي يتدخل لفض مشاجرة جرت بين ميليشيات الحشد من جهة والشرطة الحكومية من جهة أخرى عند سيطرة الحي العسكري في مركز قضاء المحمودية جنوب بغداد.

    * مقتل واصابة "8" اشخاص؛ بانفجار عبوة ناسفة في منطقة المشتل شرقي بغداد.

    * القوات الحكومية والميليشيات تعلن فرض حظر للتجوال في منطقة الزيدان في قضاء أبي غريب غرب بغداد، وتحاصر منطقة المعامير، وتمنع الأهالي من التجول في المنطقة يتزامن هذا مع المعارك الدائرة في منطقة العناز، وانباء عن وصول إمدادات عسكرية من الجيش الحكومي والشرطة المتمركزين في ناحية عامرية الفلوجة الى منطقة العناز لإسناد القوات المنكسرة في المعارك الدائرة الآن.

    * ميليشيات الحشد والقوات الحكومية في قضاء المحمودية جنوب بغداد، يشيّعان جثة "عمار جعفر الكلابي" شقيق "ضياء جعفر الكلابي" القيادي في ميليشيا ما يسمى "سرايا السلام" بعد مقتله في معارك جرت قرب الفلوجة.

    * الانبار :

    * نائب محافظ الانبار: القوات الحكومية تستهدف بقصفها الاحياء السكنية والاسواق الشعبية المكتظة بالسكان.

    * صلاح الدين :

    * مقتل 9 عناصر من الجيش الحكومي بعد استهدافهم بتفجير منزل مفخخ قرب منطقة الحويش غرب مدينة سامراء.

    * بابل :

    * تشييع "25" شخصا من أفراد شرطة الطوارئ في قضاء الحلة بمحافظة بابل، بعد مقتلهم في معارك النخيب جنوب غرب الرمادي.

    تابعونا على الراوبط الآتية:


    نشرة رقم : ٥٩٩ لاحداث الثورة الشعبية العراقية : الاربعاء ١-٧-٢٠١٥

    نشرة مركز اعلام الربيع العراقي

    لأحداث الثورة الشعبية العراقية

    نشرة رقم (599)

    الاربعاء : 1/7/2015

    النشرة للأحداث التي جرت لـ24 ساعة الماضية

    * بغداد :

    * مقتل شخص وإصابة ستة بتفجير عبوة ناسفة قرب ملعب شعبي لكرة القدم في منطقة حي الوحدة جنوبي بغداد.

    * مقتل شخص وإصابة ثمانية أخرين بتفجير عبوة ناسفة قرب محال تجارية في منطقة الراشدية شمالي بغداد.

    * مقتل منتسب في القوات الحكومية؛ بتفجير عبوة ناسفة استهدفه في منطقة الراكوب باللطيفية جنوب بغداد.

    * مقتل واصابة "7" اشخاص؛ بتفجير عبوة ناسفة في ناحية اليوسفية جنوبي بغداد.

    * مقتل "شخص" واصابة "6" اخرين؛ بانفجار عبوة ناسفة في منطقة حي العامل جنوب غربي بغداد.

    * الانبار :

    * مقتل واصابة عدد كبير من القوات الحكومية والميليشيات بينهم القيادي في ميليشيا الصحوة –صباح دحام الزنبوري- وضابط في الجيش الحكومي وتدمير همر خلال هجوم فاشل من قبل الجيش الحكومي والصحوات على منطقة جبة قرب البغدادي غربي الانبار.

    * بالفيديو اهداف الطيران في قضاء هيت غربي الانبار.

    * مقتل "40" من افراد الجيش الحكومي وميليشيات الحشد، واصابة "25" اخرين بجروح؛ في هجوم لهم على مواقع تابعة لـ"تنظيم الدولة" في مناطق الهيتاويين والعناز جنوب شرق الفلوجة.

    * صلاح الدين :

    * تدمير ثكنة عسكرية بمن فيها وحرق عدد من الآليات ودبابة للجيش الحكومي؛ بتفجير شاحنة مفخخة استهدفهم في منطقة الحجاج جنوب مدينة بيجي.

    * متفرقة :

    * المليشيات تغتال الشاب أحمد برغش يوسف و 3 من ابناء خالته وهم من مكون معروف بعد اختطافهم من منطقة العشار قبل شهر، وتلقي بجثثهم في شط العرب في البصرة.

    * فيديو مسرب يظهر قيام الجيش الحكومي باعتقال العشرات من المدنيين بينهم كبار السن، بدوافع طائفية.


    U.S., allies target Islamic State in 24 air strikes in Syria, Iraq

    Fri Jul 3, 2015 8:42am EDT


    The United States and its allies have conducted 24 air strikes against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria on Thursday, the coalition leading the operations said in a statement on Friday.

    In Syria, coalition forces targeted Islamic State positions with nine strikes near the cities of Hasakah, Ar Raqqah and Tal Abyad, destroying tactical units, fighting positions, vehicles and structures, it said.

    In Iraq, 15 strikes struck Islamic State targets near the cities of Al Huwayjah, Bayji, Fallujah, Haditha, Makhmur, Mosul, Rawah, Sinjar and Tal Afar. They destroyed tunnel systems, bunkers, vehicles, tactical units, buildings and an excavator.

    (Reporting by Sandra Maler; Editing by Andrea Ricci)


    Clashes, air strikes against IS militants kill 72 in Iraq

    BAGHDAD, July 2, 2015 (Xinhua) --

     Up to 72 people were killed on Thursday in clashes and air strikes by U.S.-led coalition and Iraqi aircraft targeting Islamic State (IS) militants in the provinces of Salahudin and Anbar, security sources said.

    In Salahudin province, a suicide car bomber struck the security forces in al-Fatha area in north of the town of Baiji, some 200 km north of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, leaving seven soldiers and allied militiamen and wounding ten others, a provincial security source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

    Meanwhile, sporadic clashes continued between the IS militants and the security forces backed by militias known as Hashd Shaabi, or popular mobilization, in the northeastern and northwestern parts of the town of Baiji as the extremist militants are still fighting in some pockets of resistance, the source said.

    The security forces and allied militias, covered by Iraqi and international aircraft, cleared on Tuesday most of the town after days of heavy clashes with the extremist militants.

    The battles in Baiji came as heavy clashes continue in the nearby Iraq's largest oil refinery as the security forces are fighting to drive IS militants out of the refinery, which the militants are seizing large parts of it.

    Also in the province, army helicopter gunships pounded IS positions in Laiyn area in west of the city of Samarra, some 120 km north of Baghdad, leaving at least 17 IS militants killed and destroying a vehicle carrying heavy machine gun, the source said.

    Since March 2, security forces and thousands of allied Shiite and Sunni militias have been involved in Iraq's biggest offensive in order to recapture from IS militants the northern part of Salahudin province.

    In the western province of Anbar, Iraqi forces and allied militias repelled an attack by dozens of IS militants on military bases outside the IS-held town of Garma, some 40 km west of Baghdad, leaving 25 militants killed and 20 others wounded, along with destroying two vehicles carrying heavy machine guns, a provincial security source anonymously told Xinhua.

    The battle near Garma also left two soldiers killed and three others injured, the source said.

    Separately, the security forces and allied militias cleared Hitawiyn area in south of the IS-held city of Fallujah, some 50 km west of Baghdad, from the IS militants after one day of an offensive against the IS positions in the area, the source said, adding that the offensive will continue to free nearby areas.

    In addition, a fierce clash broke out in the morning when the IS militants attacked an army position in Zoubaa area in southeast of the militant-seized city of Fallujah, some 50 km west of Baghdad, leaving six soldiers killed and destroying two military vehicles, the source said without giving further details about the casualties among the attackers.

    Another attack for the IS militants on army position killed 11 soldiers and destroyed three military vehicles in Albu Souda area near the town of Garma, the source said.

    Also in the province, artillery bombardment on Albu Hatem area in west of Fallujah killed four civilians and wounded five others, he added.

    The IS group has seized most of Anbar province and tried to advance toward Baghdad during the past few months, but several counter attacks by security forces and Shiite militias have pushed them back.

    The security situation in Iraq has drastically deteriorated since June 10, 2014, when bloody clashes broke out between Iraqi security forces and IS militants.

    Editor: Mu Xuequan


    Clashes, air strikes against IS militants kill 61 in Iraq's Anbar

    BAGHDAD, July 1, 2015 (Xinhua) --

    Fierce clashes and air strikes against positions of Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq's Anbar province on Wednesday killed 61 people and wounded 66 others, a provincial security source said.

    The security forces and allied militias, known as Hashd Shaabi, or popular mobilization, carried out attacks on IS positions in Hitawiyn area in south of the IS-held city of Fallujah, some 50 km west of the capital Baghdad, leaving 15 militants killed and seven others wounded, while 10 soldiers and allied militiamen were killed and 13 others wounded, the source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

    Five more IS militants were killed and three others wounded when an army helicopter gunship pounded a building at a village in northeast of the militant-seized town of Garma, some 10 km east of Fallujah, the source said.

    Meanwhile, the IS militants fired mortar rounds on al-Mazraa military base in east of Fallujah, killing a soldier and wounding four others, the source added.

    In addition, 10 policemen and tribal fighters were killed and eight others injured in heavy clashes with IS militants in Sheikh Masoud area, just east of the IS-held provincial capital city of Ramadi, some 110 km west of Baghdad, the source said.

    U.S.-led coalition warplanes carried out an air strike on three houses used by IS militants as hideouts in Mohammadi area in west of Ramadi, killing five IS militants and wounding nine others, the source said, adding that the bombing also killed two civilians and wounded eight others.

    The international aircraft also bombarded a building house of IS militants in the militant-seized city of Rutba, some 370 km west of Baghdad, leaving nine IS militants killed and seven others, including four civilians, wounded, he said.

    Also in the province, fierce clashes erupted in the morning between IS militants and security forces backed by Sunni tribal fighters in Khasfa area near the city of Haditha, some 200 km northwest of Baghdad, leaving four soldiers killed and seven others injured, the source said, without giving further details about the casualties among the extremist militants.

    The IS group has seized most of Anbar province and tried to advance toward Baghdad during the past few months, but several counter attacks by security forces and Shiite militias have pushed them back.

    The security situation in Iraq has drastically deteriorated since June 10, 2014, when bloody clashes broke out between Iraqi security forces and IS militants.

    Editor: Mu Xuequan


    Inherent Resolve Airstrikes Target ISIL in Syria, Iraq

    DoD News, Defense Media Activity

    SOUTHWEST ASIA, June 30, 2015 –

    U.S. and coalition military forces have continued to attack Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorists in Syria and Iraq, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported today.

    Officials reported details of the latest strikes, which took place between 8 a.m. yesterday and 8 a.m. today, local time, noting that assessments of results are based on initial reports.

    Airstrikes in Syria

    Attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted nine airstrikes in Syria:

    -- Near Hasakah, seven airstrikes struck five ISIL tactical units, destroying four ISIL vehicles, an ISIL armored personnel carrier and an ISIL tank.

    -- Near Raqqah, an airstrike struck an ISIL excavator.

    -- Near Dayr Az Zawr, an airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL vehicle.

    Airstrikes in Iraq

    Attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft conducted nine airstrikes in Iraq, approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense:

    -- Near Baghdadi, three airstrikes struck land features, denying ISIL a tactical advantage and destroying two ISIL excavators.

    -- Near Fallujah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL tunnel system.

    -- Near Haditha, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL vehicles.

    -- Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL mortar firing position, destroying an ISIL building.

    -- Near Waleed, an airstrike destroyed three ISIL armored personnel carriers.

    Part of Operation Inherent Resolve

    The strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to eliminate the ISIL terrorist group and the threat they pose to Iraq, Syria, the region, and the wider international community. The destruction of ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq further limits the terrorist group's ability to project terror and conduct operations, officials said.

    Coalition nations conducting airstrikes in Iraq include the United States, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Coalition nations conducting airstrikes in Syria include the United States, Bahrain, Canada, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.



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