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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.

Pro-Morsi Protesters March in Cairo and Other Egyptian Cities, in Defiance to Government Orders for them to Disband

August 2, 2013

Source of Arabic news stories:


Pro-Morsi protesters at their stronghold of Adawiya Square, Cairo, Egypt, August 2, 2013 Pro-Morsi protesters marching from Al-Fat'h Mosque, in Ramsis Square, to their stronghold of Adawiya Square, Cairo, Egypt, August 2, 2013
Pro-Morsi protesters marching from Noor Mosque to their stronghold of Adawiya Square, Cairo, Egypt, August 2, 2013 Pro-Morsi protesters marching from Giza mosques to Nahda Square, Cairo, Egypt, August 2, 2013


ثوار "رابعة" يؤدون صلاة الجنازة على شهيد المنصة محمود كمال

[02-08-2013][14:38:30 مكة المكرمة]

كتب- عبد الله مطاوع:

أدى ملايين الثوار المعتصمين بميدان رابعة العدوية صلاة الجنازة على شهيد جديد من شهداء مذبحة طريق النصر التي جرت يوم السبت الماضي ونتج عنها استشهاد 200 وإصابة 3 آلاف.


تعرف أهل الشهيد عليه اليوم وهو من محافظة بني سويف محمود كمال عبد الله "30 سنة"، وكانت إصابته بطلق ناري في الرقبة، وأم المصلين في صلاة الجنازة عليه شقيقه محمود.


وفور انتهاء صلاة الجنازة انطلق أهله بالجنازة لتشيع من مسجد عمر بن عبد العزيز ببني سويف عقب صلاة العصر.


بث مباشر.. عشرات الآلاف في مسيرة "الفتح": "الشعب يريد إعدام السفاح"

[02-08-2013][14:3:2 مكة المكرمة]

كتب- أحمد هزاع:

انطلقت بعد صلاة الجمعة مسيرة حاشدة تضم عشرات الآلاف من ثوار الشرعية من أمام مسجد الفتح برمسيس في طريقها لميدان رابعة العدوية؛ للمشاركة في فعاليات مليونية "مصر ضد الانقلاب" حاملين صور شهداء مجازر العسكر المتكررة في حق المعتصمين السلميين العزل.


وندد ثوار الشرعية بقرار الانقلابيين بفض اعتصامي رابعة العدوية والنهضة بالقوة، مؤكدين أن ذلك يعد إرهابًا صريحًا سيؤدي لمزيد من سفك الدماء للمواطنين المطالبين بالحرية والكرامة، مرددين هتافات جماعية، منها: "الشعب يريد إعدام السفاح"، "بالروح بالدم نفديك يا إسلام"، "قوة عزيمة إيمان.. الشعب المصري في الميدان"، "الجيش المصري بتاعنا.. والسيسي مش تبعنا".


رابط البث المباشر:



مئات الآلاف في مسيرات مساجد الجيزة بمليونية "مصر ضد الانقلاب"
[02-08-2013][14:31:42 مكة المكرمة]
كتبت- فدوى العجوز :
خرجت مسيرات حاشدة من مساجد الجيزة عقب صلاة الجمعه تضم عشرات الآلاف من المتظاهرين للمشاركة في مليونية اليوم "مصر ضد الانقلاب".
حيث خرجت مسيرة حاشدة تجاوزت الـ100  ألف متظاهر من مسجد نور الإسلام بالهرم ثم اتجهت إلى شارع  فيصل، ثم أخذت طريقها إلى ميدان النهضة عبر كوبري فيصل.
ثم خرجت مسيرات من مسجد "الصباح" في شارع الهرم، وتجولت في منطقة فيصل والهرم ومسيرة أخرى من مسجد "الرحمة" ومسيرة رابعة من مسجد "مشاري".
جابت المسيرات في شوارع الجيزة منددين بالانقلاب ومجازره، مرددين هتاف: "ياللي اديت للسيسي تفويض مبروك عليك 200 شهيد" فيما رفع المتظاهرون صور الرئيس مرسي ولاقت المسيرات ترحيبًا وتجاوبًا من الأهالي؛ حيث رفع عدد من الأهالي صورًا  للرئيس مرسي من شرفات منازلهم.


بث مباشر.. مسيرة "النور" بالعباسية في مليونية "مصر ضد الانقلاب"

[02-08-2013][14:30:0 مكة المكرمة]

كتب- أحمد هزاع:

انطلقت منذ قليل مسيرة حاشدة تضم عشرات الآلاف من ثوار الشرعية من مسجد النور بالعباسية في طريقها لميدان رابعة العدوية للمشاركة في فعاليات "مصر ضد الانقلاب"، مرددين هتافات منها "ارحل يا سيسي.. مرسي هو رئيسي"، "يسقط يسقط حكم العسكر.. احنا في دولة مش معسكر"، "بالطول بالعرض هنجيب السيسي الأرض".


رابط البث المباشر :


كوادر وقيادات حزب "التيار المصري" يعلنون الانضمام لعتصام "رابعة العدوية"‎

[02-08-2013][14:20:12 مكة المكرمة]

قرر كوادر وقيادات حزب التيار المصري الانضمام لاعتصام دعم الشرعية ورفض الانقلاب العسكري في ميدان رابعة العدوية والتأييد الكامل لاعتصام الأحرار في رابعة وكل ميادين مصر، مؤكدين أن الخلاف السياسي مع أي فصيل لن يكون سبيلاً لقبول حكم العسكر أو تأييدًا لاستباحة الدم.


وقال الموقعون على البيان من قيادات الحزب إن هذا القرار جاء اعتبارًا بان المبادئ لا تتجزأ وأن الاحتكام للمبادئ هو المقياس في أوقات يختلط فيها الحق بالباطل، ولأن "الدم كله حرام" ولا فرق إن كان الدم لمؤيد أو معارض في الرأي، ولأننا تعلمنا أن إرادتنا وانتصارنا لمبادئ ثورتنا لا يشوبها سعي إلى سلطة أو جاه، ولأننا تعلمنا داخل حزب التيار المصري أن (الداخلية بلطجية) وأن العسكر دوره فقط حماية الحدود لا الخوض في غمار السياسة، ولأننا لم ننسَ شهداء ثورتنا الذين ماتوا دفاعًا عن مبادئها (عيش- حرية- عدالة اجتماعية- كرامة إنسانية)، ولأننا لم ننسَ دماء شهيدي حزبنا بهاء وشهاب اللذين ماتا بيد بلطجية الداخلية والعسكر فقدما دماءهما قبل أن نقدم أوراق كياننا إلى الآن.


وتابع البيان: لأننا نرى بأعيننا ثورة 25 يناير التي شكلت لنا حلمًا لوطن نسعى إليه وأساسًا فكريًّا لتيار مصري نسعى لتشكيله نراها الآن تضيع من بين أيدينا تضيع بانقلاب عسكري تلطخت يديه بدماء الأبرياء، تضيع بعودة بلطجية الداخلية وبطشها، تضيع بتمكين نظام بائد بمفاصل دولته العميقة من شرطة وبلطجية وأمن دولة ورجال أعمال تضيع لأننا نرى أمام أعيننا إعلام كاذب لم يقف إلى جانبنا في الأمس القريب وأصبح يتشدق بالإرادة الشعبية الآن، تضيع لأننا وجدنا أنفسنا نعيش في مجتمع أوشك ألا يعرف حرمة للدماء".



علي يحيى علي- عضو الهيئة العليا وعضو المكتب السياسي

محمد سعيد- المنسق العام لمحافظة القاهرة

هاني محمد سامي- المنسق المساعد لمحافظة القاهرة

ياسر عبد السلام نعمان- المنسق العام للجنة التأسيس

مصطفى إبراهيم القريشي- عضو اللجنة الإعلامية المركزية (مستقيل)

أحمد محمد سامي- عضو اللجنة الإعلامية المركزية

عبد الكريم محمد أبو المجد- عضو لجنة المحافظات المركزية

مصعب رجب- عضو اللجنة الإعلامية المركزية

مريم صلاح الدين السمان- عضو اللجنة الإعلامية (مستقيلة)

إسلام حماية- نائب منسق شرق القاهرة (سابقا)

محمود الأمير- عضو مؤسس بمحافظة الأقصر

أحمد حسن خفاجي- منسق قليوب

أمير ممدوح- المنسق العام لمحافظة أسوان

محمد الشاذلي- منسق اللجنة الإعلامية بمحافظة أسوان

عبد الرحمن شمس- منسق لجنة الفعاليات بمحافظة أسوان

رياض مناع- منسق لجنة العضوية بمحافظة الغربية

حمدي محمد بدوي- عضو مؤسس بمحافظة القاهرة

زينب مهدي- عضو اللجنة الإعلامية المركزية (سابقا)


Morsi supporters defy warnings, plan fresh rallies

August 2, 2013, AFP

By Halla Mohieddeen (video) FRANCE 24 (text)  

Supporters of Egypt's ousted president Mohammed Morsi urged fresh rallies on Friday, raising fears of renewed violence as police prepared to disperse them amid international appeals for restraint.

Allaa Mostafa, a spokeswoman for the pro-Morsi Anti Coup Alliance, told AFP that demonstrators would "continue our sit-ins and our peaceful protests" against what she called a "coup d'Etat".

EGYPT VIDEO: Cairo’s pro-Morsi encampments

Morsi backers rejected an earlier offer from Egypt's interior ministry of a "safe exit" if they quickly left their Cairo protest camps, as police discussed how to carry out their orders from the military-installed interim government to end the protests.

In a statement, the ministry called on those in Rabaa al-Adawiya and Nahda squares "to let reason and the national interest prevail, and to quickly leave".

The ministry pledged "a safe exit and full protection to whoever responds to this appeal".

Authorities had already warned that the demonstrations would be dispersed "soon", but without saying when or how.

International calls for calm

The stand-off raised fears of new violence, less than a week after 82 people were killed in clashes at a pro-Morsi rally in Cairo.

US Secretary of State John Kerry called for calm, saying that the July 3 military's removal of Morsi – Egypt's first democratically elected president – had been requested by millions.

In comments seen in Egypt as supportive of the interim rulers, Kerry told Pakistan's Geo television: "The military was asked to intervene by millions and millions of people, all of whom were afraid of a descent into chaos, into violence."

"And the military did not take over, to the best of our judgement – so far. To run the country, there's a civilian government. In effect, they were restoring democracy," he added.

Other diplomatic efforts to avoid further bloodshed gathered pace, with the European Union's Middle East envoy Bernardino Leon and German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle both arriving in Cairo to urge the rival camps to find common ground.

A senior member of the Freedom and Justice Party, the political arm of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood, said the European envoys asked them to end their sit-ins.

"All the European delegates have the same message; they are pressuring the anti-coup protesters to disperse the sit-ins," said the official.

Following a meeting with Muslim Brotherhood representatives, Westerwelle warned that the situation was "very explosive".

"We have seriously and adamantly pressured for a peaceful solution. I hope that those concerned have gotten the message," he said in a statement.

"The international community has to keep up its diplomatic efforts, even though we don't know today whether these will prove successful."

Kerry also warned against further violence, saying the US was "very, very concerned" about the killing of dozens of pro-Morsi protesters in clashes with security forces and warning such loss of life was "absolutely unacceptable".

British counterpart William Hague also called for "an urgent end to the current bloodshed" and Morsi's release, in a phone call to interim vice president Mohamed ElBaradei, the Foreign Office in London said.

Amnesty International condemned the cabinet order as a "recipe for further bloodshed" but the mood was calm in Rabaa al-Adawiya Square, where thousands of protesters have been camping out in a tent city, despite warnings from the authorities.

Raising tensions

Foreign trade minister Munir Fakhry Abdel Nur said Wednesday's statement did not "give room for interpretation".

Accusing Morsi supporters of bearing arms, he told AFP: "It is clear the interior ministry has been given the green light to take the necessary measures within legal bounds."

Egypt's interim government also faces an increase in militant attacks in the restive Sinai peninsula, where gunmen on Thursday shot dead a policeman in the northern town of El-Arish, security officials said.

Much of the Egyptian media expressed support for the government's decision, with some saying the interim administration had received "the people's mandate" in demonstrations last Friday backing Morsi's overthrow.

Further raising tensions on Wednesday, judicial sources said three top Brotherhood leaders, including Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie, would be referred to trial for incitement to murder.

Morsi himself has been formally remanded in custody on suspicion of offences when he broke out of prison during the 2011 revolt that toppled former president Hosni Mubarak.

He was detained hours after the coup and is being held at an undisclosed location, where EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton met him on Tuesday, later telling reporters he was "well".

(FRANCE 24 with wires)  


Egypt's cabinet orders police to end pro-Morsi sit-ins

Egypt's military-backed interim government has ordered police to end sit-in protests in Cairo by supporters of deposed president Mohammed Morsi, declaring them a threat to national security.

By News Wires (text)

Egypt's cabinet Wednesday ordered a police crackdown on protests by ousted president Mohamed Morsi's loyalists, as European envoys headed for Cairo to try to ease tensions between the army-installed government and Islamists.

The order to the interior minister raised the prospect of a dangerous showdown just days after 82 people were killed at a pro-Morsi protest in Cairo.

It came as diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful way out of Egypt's crisis gathered pace, with the EU and Germany sending envoys to urge a peaceful resolution to the standoff.

Adding to the tensions, judicial sources said prosecutors had referred the Muslim Brotherhood's fugitive supreme guide, Mohammed Badie, to trial for allegedly inciting the killing of protesters.

The cabinet's announcement came in a statement that said pro-Morsi protest camps at two Cairo squares were posing a "threat to national security."

"The continuation of the dangerous situation in Rabaa al-Adawiya and Nahda squares, and consequent terrorism and road blockages, are no longer acceptable given the threat to national security," it said.

"The government has decided to take all necessary measures to confront and end these dangers, and tasks the interior minster to do all that is necessary in this regard, in accordance with the constitution and law," the statement said.

That was met with immediate defiance by the Islamists, who have been camped out for weeks calling for the reinstatement of Morsi, Egypt's first Islamist president elected last year.

"Nothing will change," said Gehad El-Haddad, a Brotherhood spokesman for the coalition protesting Morsi's overthrow, dismissing the order as an "attempt to terrorise Egyptians."

Reacting to the announcement, Washington urged Egypt to "respect the right of peaceful assemblies."

"That obviously includes sit-ins," State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf told reporters.

"We've made that point publicly and privately, and we'll continue to do so," she said.

In Rabaa al-Adawiya, the mood was calm after the announcement, with preparations for the Ramadan fast-breaking meal underway and no sign of an immediate increase in the security presence.

Thousands of people have been camped out in a protest tent city at the square.

The interior ministry had already warned that the demonstrations would be dispersed "soon," but without saying when or how.

An interim cabinet minister said Wednesday's statement did not "give room for interpretation."

"It is clear the interior ministry has been given the green light to take the necessary measures within legal grounds," foreign trade minister Munir Fakhry Abdel Nur told AFP.

"Hopefully it will be with the least possible cost in human lives," said Nur, a liberal and a leader of the opposition to Morsi, accusing the deposed president's backers of bearing arms.

Confrontations between Morsi loyalists and security forces have turned increasingly deadly, with 82 people killed in clashes with police on Saturday morning.

And at least 51 people were killed in earlier violence between demonstrators and soldiers outside Cairo's Republican Guard headquarters.

Brotherhood leaders, including supreme guide Badie, who is in hiding, are facing charges related to violence that preceded Morsi's ouster.

On Wednesday, judicial sources said Badie and jailed deputies Khairat al-Shater and Rashad Bayoumi had been referred to trial for inciting the murder of demonstrators.

The move further dims prospects for negotiations with the Islamists, who have demanded the MPs' release as a precondition for any talks.

The allegations relate to the deaths of protesters outside Brotherhood headquarters on the night of June 30.

Morsi himself has been detained on suspicion of involvement in prison breaks and the murder of policemen during the 2011 revolt that toppled president Hosni Mubarak.

The developments came as the international community stepped up efforts to push for a peaceful resolution to Egypt's stand-off.

EU spokesman Michael Mann said on Wednesday the bloc's Middle East envoy, Bernardino Leon, would be in Cairo later to "continue the contacts and mediation efforts."

And German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle arrived to "promote the quick return to democratically endorsed conditions, and the resumption of an inclusive transformation process," a spokesman said before he landed.

In Washington, Senator Lindsey Graham said he and fellow Republican John McCain would head to Cairo next week at the White House's request.

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton left Cairo on Tuesday after her own mediation bid, but there was no indication her meetings had brought compromise any closer.

She met with a string of officials from the military-installed interim government and the opposition, as well as Morsi.

Her meeting with him at a secret location was the ousted leader's first announced visit, though the presidency said on Wednesday that an African Union delegation also met Morsi.

Ashton said she had had a "friendly, open and very frank discussion" at the undisclosed venue outside Cairo.

"Morsi is well," she told reporters after the two-hour meeting.

"He has access to information in terms of TV, newspapers, so we were able to talk about the situation and we were able to talk about the need to move forward."


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