May 21, 2003 Arab Cartoons

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stavro 051903 s - Road map to Middle East peace.jpg

By Stavro Jabra (5/21/03).


The true axis of evil in the world: Wars, famine, and fatal diseases (Hamed Atta, Al-Khaleej, 5/21/03).


Repeat after me: Neither Mofaz, nor Sharon, can defeat Beit Hanoon. (Omayya, 5/21/03).


Palestinian officials have to issue condemnation statements against terrorism after every time an Israeli is killed. But who cares to condemn Israeli state terrorism, which kills more Palestinians on daily basis? (Baha Boukhari, Al-Ayyam, 5/21/03).


Jordanian parliamentarian elections (Khaldoun Gharaybeh, Al-Ra'i, 5/21/03)


With the 2004 presidential elections getting closer, George Bush announcing: Palestinians have to the Road Map, but it's up to the Israelis to do so.  (By Khalil Abu Arafeh, Alquds, 5/21/03).


This is a road without map.  (Jan Mish'alani, Alquds, 5/21/03).


Since the US invasion of Iraq, Jordan has bee suffering a fuel-supply problem. Pizza is cooked on wooden fire, chicken are roasted on charcoal. (Jalal Al-Rifa'i, Ad Dustour, 5/21/03).


Competition between candidates in the Jordanian parliamentarian elections is becoming like competition in the TV show, Super Stars. Form and appearnce. (Emad Hajjaj, 5/21/03). 


 Following the "Israel above the law" syndrome, the US is screaming at the North Korean Jong Ill Kim: "YOU ARE A TERRORIST," for having one nuclear bomb, while ignoring Israel with its 200-400 nuclear bombs.  (By Mustafa Rahmeh (Alittihad, 5/21/03).


Education in the Arab Gulf states is a sinking ship, as a result of giving non-citizen teachers low salaries and lack of discipline. (Haroon, Al-Khaleej, 5/21/03).

Opinions expressed in various sections are the sole responsibility of their authors and they may not represent Al-Jazeerah's.